Friday, November 15, 2013

DNA testing

Hello Readers,

Today I am going to talk about a case that was solved with DNA evidence .

In December of 2012 a man broke into a Bobbie Sue's Restaurant  in Arkansas. He stole two jars filled with money that was meant to go to charity and ate some pie. He left the spoon from the pie at the restaurant and that is how they got him.

His picture is below:
A link to where you can find more information is:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Supreme Court Justices

Hello Readers, 

This is a slideshow of all of the current Supreme Court Justices. The Chief Justice is John G. Roberts,Jr. There are also eight other judges. They are listed below.

Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr., Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Male v. Female Judges

Hello Readers,

Today I am going to talk about the number of female judges versus the number of male judges.

There have been an way more male judges than female judges. 108 out of the 112 judges have been male. Leaving only 4 female judges.

The chart below shows the number of males versus females.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Poll about Tinker v Des Moines

Hello Readers,

Today I am going to be talking about the case of Tinker v. Des Moines.  This case was about a school that said that students would not be allowed to wear arm bands to voice their opinions against the Vietnam war. The kids were ended up being suspended for a couple of weeks for not removing their arm bands.

The kids said that it violated their First Amendment right to free speech and the right to protest the war.

The principal said that it would disrupt their learning and the learning of other students around.  

Two other cases that were similar was Schenck v. United States where the Supreme Court said that an individual could be punished for distributing anti WW1 propaganda and Thornhill v.Alabama where the Supreme court said protesting was an acceptable form of free speech.

The Supreme Court ended up ruling that the students had the right to wear the arm bands as a right to protest.

Friday, November 1, 2013

How to tie a tie

Step one get a tie.

Step two put the tie around your neck with the wide side on your right side.

Step three cross the wide end of your tie over the narrow end.

Step four bring the wide end under the narrow and up  through the center.

Step 5 bring the wide end over to the right.

Step 6 go around the narrow end and pull it to the left.

Step 7 bring the wide end up through the center.

Step 8 bring the wide end under the knot to the right.

Step 9 bring the wide part over the knot to the left.

Step 10 bring the wide part under the narrow part into the center.

Step 11 bring the wide end around and then through the loop.

Step 12 pull the narrow end to tighten the knot and move the knot to the center of your collar.