Thursday, October 24, 2013

New York TIme Co. v. United States

Hello Readers,
Today I am going to discuss the case of NewYork Times Co. v. United States. The New York Times had received what are famously known as Pentagon Papers. Their official name of the papers was “History of U.S. Decision-Making Process on Viet Nam Policy”.These papers came out when the nation was deeply divided on the war in Vietnam. 
The Government called upon the courts to try and stop the publishing of these papers by having the New York district court order a temporary injunction order to not publish these papers at this time. So the New York Times took it a step further and brought it to the Supreme Court and said that the injunction violated the First Amendment. The New York Times said that the First Amendment guaranteed them the right to print these documents and that the American people had the right to know. While the American Government said that the First Amendment was not an absolute freedom especially when the security of America and it citizens are involved.
The Supreme Court ended up ruling 6-3 in favor of The New York Times. Justice Black said it was, “unfortunate in his view that some of my Brethren [fellow justices] are apparently willing to hold that the publication of news may sometimes be enjoined. Such a holding,” he wrote, “would make a shambles of the First Amendment.”

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