Monday, October 28, 2013

Review of New York Times Co. v. United States

Hello Readers,

Today I'm going to be giving my opinion on the case of New York Times v. United States. This case took place in 1971, as stated in my previous post. I disagree with this ruling.

The First Amendment should not allow people to reveal information that is top secret and isn't meant for the public. I believe that the government deserves a certain amount of privacy in order to secure the safety of people. 

Edward Snowden did the same type of thing. He revealed top secret information and now he is considered a criminal. I think that it should have been the same ruling. 

He stole information that could have possibly endangered people's lives and he should be charged and tried as a traitor. As should the people who helped steal this info for the New York Times.

Chief Justice Warren E Burger said, "the imperative of a free and unfettered press comes into collision with another imperative, the effective functioning of a complex modern government". 

The man who stole the documents, Daniel Ellsburg, was only found innocent because of misconduct by the government. So if what he did was wrong and illegal why is the New York Times allowed to post this information? Because it could have endangered thousands of troops that were fighting in the war.

Feel free to comment with you opinions.

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